Some pictures from Paris

# 1 Eiffel Tower

# 2

# 3 I bought tickets online so we didn’t have to stay in a long line. (But there is still a line.)
But we still got there early so that we could look around.

# 4 At the observation deck. Paris must have some kind of building code. Other than the far background there was no high rise buildings.

# 5 We came back at night again for a different view.

# 6 我們沒有爬上凱旋門。 Maybe we should。

# 7 Hotel National Invalides. 因為歷史原因而有一個很奇怪的名字,有興趣你自己 Google

# 8 蠻好吃的 Crepe,我不會用法語說 あれとあれを お願いします,所以請前面一位先生幫我點

# 9 咖啡很小杯,但 baguette Sandwich 還蠻好吃的,只是麵包很韌要嚼很久

# 10 羅浮宮

# 11 蒙娜麗莎

# 12 標準的 This is Mona Lisa and we were there 的照片
Guess who took this picture for us? Mr. Hsu. We did our tour separately but ran into each other at Mona Lisa.
It is a very small world. Do not do bad things thinking nobody will know.

# 13 Venus

# 14 勝利女神,mommy wanted to see them all.

# 15 拿破崙三世的 Appartment

# 16 Notre Dame

# 17 Holy Chapel, a small church not far from Notre Dame

# 18 Its famous stained glass

# 19 Luxemburg Garden, don’t let the name fool you. It’s more like the central park of Paris.

# 20 Pantheon, we did not get inside.

# 21 A small pastry shop 藍心阿姨介紹我們去的,They are so famous that you can pay for a tour of their kitchen.

# 22 I was very impressed by the large variation of their products.
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